In January of 2019, I started a new job with a fintech start up that demanded long workdays in order to set up the new location of my department. I was employee number one in that department’s offshoot location so seven-day weeks were quite normal for me at the start of 2019 in order to build the runway for the rest of the year. While I happily rode on the adrenaline for a while, I knew a short break would be needed eventually. As I’ve grown older, I’ve learned that silence and solitude are vital to me and my wellbeing. I handle myself quite well when I need to be “on” for long durations, but I do find that I’m in need of a battery recharge away from anything fast-paced every now and then.

Taking a moment to rest up in a tiny home in the woods sounded like the perfect way to restore myself. I booked the place within my first few months at my new job and I felt smart to plan ahead. We took a long weekend and drove out into the middle of nowhere with no wifi, no data. Just the sounds of nature and turkey bacon sizzling.

We spent time cooking together, reading, soaking up the sun, and mildly worrying about the curiously large poop piles not far from our cabin (bears?). I also spent time reflecting on how the year had been going by journaling extensively. After the weekend was up, I can say I was fully equipped to jump right back into the hustle and bustle. Here’s what our weekend looked like.


Every morning, I was excited for the dappled light creating new patterns on the wall above our bed


Reading “How to Relax” by Thich Nhat Hanh
